The popular animated film Tangled tells the story of the princess Rapunzel, whose hair received the healing powers of a magic golden flower when she was born. Mother Gothel, the wicked crone who relied on the magic golden flower to retain her youth, kidnapped Rapunzel and locked her in a secluded tower in order to hoard Rapunzels healing magic. After Rapunzel grew up to become a physically gifted young woman with a natural talent for artistic endeavors, she escaped from the tower with the help of Eugene Fitzherbert, better known as the swashbuckling thief Flynn Rider. Together, they went to the kingdom to seek out the sky lanterns of the Festival of Lights that had fascinated her in her captivity.
Beast Kingdom is proud to present a new Master Craft princess series statue that captures the energetic charm of Rapunzel from the beloved film Tangled
Product Specifications
- The MC-046 Tangled Master Craft Rapunzel is limited to 3,000 pieces worldwide. Be sure to quickly grab this before they are sold out!
- Material: Polystone
- Product Measurements: W27*D25*H40cm